Beiträge von Koelsch-Amerikaner

    Ein Witz? Für viele von euch ist alles mit dem ihr nicht einverstanden seid ein Witz oder fake news. Ihr verlangt von mir das ich für alles was ich schreibe Beweise aufzeige. Aber keiner von euch bemüht sich zu beweisen das ihr recht habt. Nur weil ich eine andere Meinung habe ist das keine fake news. Wenn ich im Internet clips sehe, wo Biden oder Harris Sachen behaupten die so nicht stimmen und ich sie weiter gebe sind das Fakten und keine fake news. Jeder der sich Zeit nimmt kann sich viele dieser Nachrichten clips ansehen.

    Ich kann mich nicht erinnern eure Meinungen als fake news dargestellt zu haben. Sollte ich das je getan haben, Entschuldigung. Denn auch wenn ich eine andere Meinung habe, erkenne ich das Jeder das Recht hat anders zu denken. Man, kann und sollte in der Lage sein respektvoll mit einander umzugehen, ohne zu beleidigen.

    Es stimmt schon das man den Umfragen in den USA nicht glauben kann. Die Vergangenheit hat gezeigt das die meistens falsch waren. Harris ist immer dann gut wenn sie vom Teleprompter lesen kann, wenn sie aber, wie in der Debate am Dienstag ohne Notizen auskommen muss wird es schwer. Sie verfällt öfters "Wort Salat" (word Salad), kann man das so sagen? Und dann verliert sie ihren Faden. Trump auf der anderen Seite muss aufpassen das er nicht anfangt Harris persönlich anzugreifen. Er muss bei den Themen bleiben. Es wird interessant. Beide benötigen einen guten Erfolg.

    Like Klebe,

    I would like to provide some answers to the points you make.

    1. In regard to the pending law in California you are correct.

    However, Harris wants to do this for all of those immigrants, nationwide, not a loans, but as grants. This will of course not happen because the Congress would never approve this. It would mean tax increases on the back oflow earning Citizen. She knows that and says this to convince Latinos to vote for her.

    2. Harris is Bidens vice President. She has stated many times that she supports his policies 100%. She cannot now act like she had no say in Bidens regime. She is always proud to say that she was the last person in the office.

    3. The Justice Department. Garland was had pickt because it was known that he did not like Trump. The people that he picked to be Attorney Generals were picked for the same reason. A good example is Jack Smith. He used Cases against Trump that had been debunked many years ago and per law could not have been reopened. In fact, he doubled up on them. Something that has never been done against a sitting President in 200 years.

    Also, when Trumps staffers told him that there was ample proof that in many cases where the election was very close, ballet boxes were stuffed with names that could not be identified. He instructed them to investigate the matter (That would be considered his job - win or lose).

    4. As far as his January speech, anyone who listened to the entire speech knows that he repeatedly told the people to go to the Capital and PEACEFULLY demonstrate. So, there clearly was no call for a demonstration of any kind.

    In fact, a few days prior to that speech, Trump offered to send the National Guard to the Capital to guard it. Ms. Pelosi, who was in charge at the Capital at that time turned down the offer.

    5. I do not know much about the German Voting System. So, I cannot address that. In the USA it is against the law for none citizen to vote. There you must have a "Voter ID" to vote. In a few states, such as Virginia, they have modified the Driver license. Citizens have a small star on their license, which indicates that they are in fact citizens.

    6. Finally. I would ask those here in the Forum who call my Statements "fake" to proof that, since you want me to proof what I am saying

    In the future I will no longer waste my time talking about American politics, since you know apparently a lot more about that then I do.

    From now on I will follow the advice of Listlos and only discuss soccer (sorry Fußball) :prost:

    Matt Eagle,

    Ich bin als fünfzehn jähriger ausgewandert. Ich habe nicht die Möglichkeit jeden Tag deutsch zu sprechen oder zu schreiben. Um nicht fasch verstanden zu werden ist es einfach leichter für mich in English zu schreiben.

    Viele meiner Kommentare in deutsch sind vielleicht weniger gut angekommen weil ich mich nicht so ausdrücken konnte wie ich es gerne getan hätte. Darum habe ich es diesmal in Englisch versucht.

    Aber es fällt mir schon auf das du, aus welchem Grund auch immer, versuchts unnötige und unfreundliche Kommentare zu schreiben obwohl du mich nicht kennst. Ich habe noch nie etwas so negatives über dich geschrieben.


    Thanks for your reply.

    > I did not state that you used unbecoming language. I meant to say that many users did so. You ware not one of them. Nore did I mention any names. The people who did know who they are.

    > Mrs. Harris does not consider these immigrants illegal. People convicted of a serious crime are not included.

    This Russian lady is correct with her warning. Harris has proven over the years, especially since being Vice President, that almost all of her ideas are from the far left and indeed would lead to a socialistic system. Anyone who grew up in Germany after the war should know what that was like. You don't have to believe me, but please take the time and watch and listen to the many TV clips, where she said in her own words what she would do as President. Her newest idea is to give every illegal Immigrant $150,000 toward purchasing a new house. She also wants to defund the police, keep the southern border open. She had been put in charge of the border by Biden and still insists that the border is secured. (So far, several million illegals crossed into the United States). Several thousand illegals are known criminals, who after having been arrested have been released to commit more crimes. Some of them killed Innocent children or women.

    Most importantly, Biden and Harris have politized the Justice System, which should be neutral. Examples are the trials against Trump. Most of the accusations are past the time limits and therefore not valid, and some are clearly designed to eliminate Trump as a candidate. This of course will not happen.

    All this would most certainly disqualify her from becoming President. What makes her so popular right now is the fact that the left leaning press will cover for her.

    If the debates are conducted fairly, and the rules are enforced, she has no chance, because without written notes or a teleprompter she cannot make it.

    And now, where she knows that her ideas are not popular with the Americans, she is adopting almost all of Trump's ideas (only until after the election).

    Also, many of you may not be aware of the fact that in the US we do not have "Personal Ausweise". To identify our self's, we use the driver's license, something anyone can get. When it is time to vote for a candidate and you show your license, they consider you a citizen in many of the states.

    Bottom line is this. I would not prefer either candidate for the election, but if you fairly compare the four years of Trump and Biden and Harris four years and ask the question that President Reagon asked: Are you better off now? -- The answer is very clear: No new war under Trump, and the best economy since the fifties.

    No comparison to today.
    You do not have to agree with me, that is o.k. but let's discuss these things in a civilized manner, and not in language unbecoming for a civilized person.

    Gegen eine Mannschaft wie Sandhausen muss man eigentlich gewinnen.

    ABER, die Einstellung muss, wie in jedem Spiel, stimmen, man muss alles geben, und die technischen Vorteile die man hat auch ausnutzen. Wenn man in so ein Spiel geht und meint, das wird leicht, hat man meistens schon verloren.

    Ich gehe mal davon aus das der FC sein bestes Gesicht zeigt, und alles gibt.

    Dann werden wir auf jeden Fall eine Runde weiter kommen. Mein Tip: 3- 1 für uns. :FC: :effzeh: :prost: :prost:

    Ja, das System muss zu den Spielern passen. Aber eins unserer größten Probleme sind die vielen Fehlpasse. Da muss sich etwas verändern. Außerdem darf man nicht in jedem Spiel die Abwehr umstellen. Eine Abwehr muss eingespielt sein und hier braucht man gelernte Abwehrspieler. Ich glaube das viele Fehler in der Abwehr entstehen, weil die Spieler nicht miteinander reden. :thinking_face: